General Announcement
Reference No: GA1-08052023-00050
Stock Name : ECM
Date Announced : 08/05/2023
Type : Announcement
Subject : OTHERS
Description : ECM Libra Group Berhad
- Disposal of 24,000,000 ordinary shares in TYK Capital Sdn Bhd
by Positive Carry Sdn Bhd, a 30.0%-owned associate company
The Board of Directors of ECM Libra Group Berhad wishes to announce that its 30.0%-owned associate company, Positive Carry Sdn Bhd, had on 5 May 2023 entered into a conditional sale and purchase agreement with Enzo II Holdings Pte Ltd - a special purpose vehicle established and managed by PrimeMovers Equity (S) Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based private equity firm - to dispose of all the 24,000,000 ordinary shares it owns in TYK Capital Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 201101025265 (953401-V)) (“TYK”), representing 27.0% of the total number of issued ordinary shares of TYK (the “Positive Carry Disposal”).
Please refer to the attachment for the details of the Positive Carry Disposal.

This announcement is dated 8 May 2023.

Please refer attachment below:

- Positive Carry Disposal (08.05.2023).pdf

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