We refer to the Company's announcements dated 31 May 2022 and 18 July 2022 in relation to the conditional mandatory take-over offer by Dato' Lim Kian Onn and the announcement dated 3 June 2022 in relation to ECMLG's non-compliance with the public shareholding spread requirement pursuant to Paragraph 8.02(1) of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities ("Public Spread Requirement").
The Board of Directors of ECMLG wishes to announce that Bursa Securities has vide its letter dated 26 July 2022 granted the Company an extension of time of six (6) months until 2 December 2022 to comply with the Public Spread Requirement.
Based on the Company's Record of Depositors dated 18 July 2022, the public shareholding spread of the Company was 22.58%.
The Company will use the extension of time granted by Bursa Securities to formulate a rectification plan to address the shortfall in its public shareholding spread and to allow more time for the Company to explore possible options to comply with the Public Spread Requirement.
ECMLG will make the necessary announcement in relation to the status of its efforts to comply with the Public Spread Requirement accordingly.
This announcement is dated 26 July 2022.