Reference is made to the announcement dated 1 June 2015 in relation to the abovementioned Proposals, the definitions of which apply throughout this announcement.
On behalf of the board of directors of ECM Libra Financial Group Berhad ("ECMLFG" or the "Company"), the Company wishes to clarify that the Proposed Capital Reduction of equivalent to approximately RM234.74 million (based on the Company's current issued and paid-up share capital less treasury shares) or equivalent to RM0.88 per ECMLFG Share shall be by way of cash distribution or a combination of cash and the Proposed Distribution-in-specie.
In respect of the source of funds for the proposed distribution, we wish to highlight the group's latest audited position as at 31 January 2015:
(i) Cash reserves: RM152.5 million;
(ii) Loan assets: RM72.0 million; and
(iii) Investments in unit trusts and shares: RM193.4 million.
The cash to be raised from the above source of funds can only be determined later based on the actual loan amount to be retired and the market values of the securities.
This announcement is dated 2 June 2015.