(Unless stated otherwise, definitions used in this announcement shall carry the same meaning as defined in the Company's announcement in relation to its Proposals dated 15 June 2012)
We refer to the announcement dated 15 June 2012, 21 June 2012, 6 July 2012, 31 July 2012, 10 October 2012 and 2 November 2012
made by ECM Libra Investment Bank Berhad ("ECMLIB"), on behalf of the Board of Directors of ECMLFG ("Board") in relation to the
On behalf of the Board, ECMLIB is pleased to announce that the Securities Commission ("SC") had via its letter dated 2 November 2012 (which was received on 5 November 2012), granted its approval under section 212(5) of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007, for the
proposed distribution of ordinary shares in K & N Kenanga Holdings Berhad ("KNKH") and redeemable non-convertible unsecured loan stocks ("RULS") of KNKH (Series A) to all shareholders of ECMLFG by way of distribution-in-specie, pursuant to the Proposed Capital Repayment in conjunction with the Proposed Disposal and Proposed Business Merger.
The approval granted by SC for the proposed distribution-in-specie is subject to the following terms:
(i ) Distribution-in-specie of 120,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in KNKH to all shareholders of ECMLFG; and
(ii) Distribution-in-specie of RM47,750,000 nominal value of RULS of KNKH (Series A) to all shareholders of ECMLFG.
This announcement is made on 5 November 2012. |