ECM Libra Financial Group Berhad ("ECMLFG") wishes to inform that it has commenced members' voluntary winding-up of its dormant wholly-owned subsidiaries, ECM Libra Securities Portfolio Management Sdn Bhd ("ECMLSPM") and Ultimate Acres Sdn Bhd ("UASD") on 15 April 2011 pursuant to Section 254(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 1965.
Mr Ng Chwe Hwa and Mr Lok Peng Chuan c/o KPMG Corporate Services Sdn Bhd, Level 10, KPMG Tower, 8 First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, have been appointed as Liquidators of ECMLSPM and UASD.
The members' voluntary winding-up of ECMLSPM and UASD will not have any material impact on the net assets and earnings per share of ECMLFG Group for the financial year ending 31 January 2012.
This announcement is dated 15 April 2011.